Monday, September 10, 2012

Terry Fox Run 2012

This coming Sunday is the Terry Fox Run.
i have run the 5km the past 2 years and was determined to work myself up to the 10km.

i started training to do the 10km.
i was on a roll.
i was at about 7km.

i haven't run in 2 months. 
i allowed things to get in the way with my training.
i don't know if i'll run the 10km.
i may debate it even up to the day.

last year i ran 5km (with the dog)
Dan and elijah biked the 10km.
my dad pushed dakota while running the 5km.
(See here for last year's post)

little did we know, at the time, that dad had cancer in his neck.

it was, thankfully, treatable.

i watched my dad endure the chemo and radiation.
i watched his body struggle with the entire process.
his cancer was stage 3, but localized.  
it did not spread.
it did not take his whole body.
it did not take his life.

my kids have their papa, 
he shouldn't have to see the radiation/chemo docs again.
that's what he was told.

(the first time the kids saw papa after all his chemo and radiation were done.  easter 2012)

i watched him deteriorate as the cancer was being fought.
i thought about those who have a wider spread of cancer...
have had cancer diagnosed...again..
those who have radiation and chemo for the rest of their lives.
i thought of the families who don't still have their loved ones because the cancer won.

my dad...
terry fox...
mary williamson...
aunt judi...
aunt jill...
dr. hillier...
jack verzyden...
my cousin Amanda (Boyle)

i am running the Terry Fox run for them. 
(and any others i regretfully forgot to mention)

some of those people would not be alive today if they hadn't had treatment..
some of those people lived as long as they did because of cancer research and treatment..
some of those people will be going through it and are praying the treatment will give them the life they hope to continue living...

it doesn't matter if i'm running the 10km.
it doesn't matter if i'm running or walking the 5km
or biking 10km.

i'm running.
that's what matters.
those names will be on my mind while i run.

who would you run for?

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